Be true to your heart, dig a little deeper and see how far you'll go as you work your way through this entertaining series of crafts, games and activities - inspired by your favourite Disney Princesses.
Keeping minds and hands busy can be a full time job! Whistle while you work with fun craft ideas, simple activities, games, tasty recipes and puzzles featuring your most-loved Disney Princess.

Download the Disney Princess Activity book here
Snow White
Snow White knows that every day is an opportunity to make new friends, and that it’s best to be kind to everyone, even if they’re grumpy!

Challenge yourself to these activities with positivity, just like Snow White.
Forest Fact Finder: Help Snow White find her forest friends by following these fun facts about each animal!
Bird Feeder: Make magic from the ordinary with your very own Snow White-inspired bird feeder!

From a young age, Tiana learned that a dream is a lot of hard work and a little bit of magic.

Take on these fun challenges with Tiana's passion.
Ray's Shoot for the Stars: Help Ray find Evangeline in the night sky with your own glow in the dark slime!
Almost There: Be Tiana's guide through the bayou to pick up everything she needs for Mama Odie's gumbo!
Main Dish: Draw your favourite food on the plate to finish Tiana's menu for the night!
Louis' Jazz Band: Gather the right materials and turn on The Princess and the Frog on Disney+ to play along with the music.
Driven by her independent spirit and curiosity (to both Sebastian and her father’s chagrin!), Ariel is always looking to learn about the treasures she finds and the people around her.

Dive into these activities with the same curiosity as Ariel.
Make Your Own Bubbles: Have a special adventure under the sea with your own magic unpoppable bubble creations!
Flounder's Fish Friends: Make your own fish friend like Flounder by cutting out your favourite fins!
Whozits and Whatzits Galore: Can you spot what's changed between the two images?
Ursula's Treasures Untold: Ursula has stolen the voices of all of Ariel's friends and family! Draw a line to who said it and restore their voice!

Rapunzel is the creative, spirited Princess of Corona, with a strong sense of curiosity about the world, and a willingness to step outside of her comfort zone.

Approach these challenges courageous enthusiam and creative flair, just as Rapunzel would.
Create Your Own Paint: Create your own natural paint colours using things you can find in and around the house.
Pascal's Hide n Seek: Can you help Rapunzel spot the sneaky Pascals hiding in the images below?
Corona's Most Wanted: Draw or cut out the scrambled grid back in its original order to help Rapunzel finally figure out who nabbed her precious pan!
See the Lights: Leap outside your comfort zone! Guide Rapunzel on a coding adventure along the path to see the lights!
Moana is a strong-willed, independent wayfinder. Though she has moments of self-doubt, she has great pride in who she is and where she comes from, and doesn’t back away from new challenges.

Find your way through these challenges with the same determination as Moana!
Sail Beyond the Reef: Follow the directions to build yown own wa'a kaulua, a traditional Polynesian double-hulled outrigger canoe.
Cross(word) the Ocean: How well do you know Moana? Find out by filling out this crossword puzzle.
Wayfind Your Way: Dive in to a new challenge. Colour and count each of the illustrations from around Motunui.
Heihei Granola Bars Recipe: Since we've seen Heihei make some questionable dietary choices this oat-based bar recipe should exceed his expectations!
Raya is an independent warrior and resilient hero, whose wit is as sharp as her blade.

Put trust in your skills and perservere until you reach the end of this puzzle, just like Raya would.
Heart Obstacle Course: Build your own Heart obstacle course and maneuver your way through just like Raya!
Tuk Tuk's Glow in the Dark Bowling: Keep your Dragon Gem glowing with your own glow in the dark Tuk Tuk bowling game!
Cinderella knows that being a positive influence is a sort of magic that can transform the world, so she is warm and sincere with everyone she meets.

Have courage and be kind, and always have faith in yourself, like Cinderella does, as you complete these tasks.
Quick Change: Race to the closet and dress in your best ball outfit before time runs out!
Oh That Clock: Make time to build your own Cinderella-inspired clock and set it to the times listed.
Also known as Briar Rose, Aurora is graceful, playful, and optimistic. She knows that a wonderful future awaits.

Use your knowledge of nature and love of animals, just like Aurora, to help you finish these activities.
Wander with Wonder: Adventure outside and try to find all of Aurora's animal friends!
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather's Magical Cake Recipe: Whether it's blue or pink, tall or short, make and decorate your own Sleeping Beauty-inspired cake.
Belle is imaginative and smart, and comfortable being authentically herself. She adores a good book, because different stories bring her to new places, introduce her to new people, and allow her to see new perspectives.

Write the ending to your own story as you take on these challenges, just as Belle would!
Create Your Own Adventure Story: Belle lived out her storybook adventure and now it's your turn to write one!
Chip's Bedtime Story: Dress Chip up as he would be in each of the fantasy settings.
Jasmine is incredibly independent and strong. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, no matter who she’s up against, and won’t hesitate to stand up for what’s right.

Embrace your fearlessness, just like Jasmine, as you master these challenges!
Magic Carpet Roll Ups: These roll-up sandwiches are shaped like Jasmine's friend the Magic Carpet - and make for a perfect lunch on the fly.
Create A Whole New World: See the world from your magic carpet! Take Jasmine and Abu where you would like to go and draw it below.
Pocahontas is a leader of the Powhatan Tribe, of which her father is the chief. She is noble, free-spirited, and is lovingly nicknamed “Little Mischief” by her father. Pocahontas is deeply connected to her homeland, nature, and her tribe, but isn’t afraid to create her own adventure.

Show your adventurous spirit, like Pocahontas does, as you tackle these tasks.
Colours of the Wind: Go where the wind takes you and use all your favourite colours below!
Meeko's Snack Counter: Meeko needs help gathering all his snacks before adventuring with Pocahontas!
Mulan is clever and down-to-earth, and with the help of her new friends, proves her worth to her family and country by becoming a legendary warrior and savior of China. Mulan shows courage, passion, and determination in all that she does — defying cultural convention and proving that anything is possible when you believe in yourself.

It's your turn to prove anything is possible, just as Mulan did, as you challenge yourself to these games.
Crickee's Lucky Bingo Card: Watch Mulan on Disney+ and cross off each item as you see it.
Warrior Training: Welcome to Mulan's Warrior Training Camp! Try these mini games to shape your world with spirit and strength!
Merida believes that if you don’t like a certain story about you, you can write your own. Determined to create her own path in life, Merida defies an age-old custom sacred to her parents and the Lords of the Land.

Use your bravery, strength and confidence to take on these challenges, just as Merida would.
Change your Fate Maze: Help Merida by following the arrow's path to the target.
A Day in Dunbroch: Spend the day with Merida and help her decide what to do next!