There’s so much we love about Disney's Frozen 2, now streaming on Disney +. The new songs, the epic adventure and all that magic. But one thing we can’t get enough of is Olaf and his ever sunny disposition.
Even in the face of mounting adversity, Olaf’s classic one-liners continue to keep us laughing long after the credits finish rolling.
We’ve counted down Olaf’s best LOL moments:
5. Olaf going from happy to horrified in one second flat as he faces the waterfall is all of us when faced with the prospect of imminent danger.

4. When Olaf promises to “bring the snacks" he proves he’s the ultimate friend you need when heading off on any trip.

3. Olaf hysterically screaming after asking if “mortal danger” was going to be a regular occurrence totally had us chuckling into our popcorn.

2. We loved Olaf playing charades, but it was his impersonation of Elsa that really had us in tears…and totally on point too.

1. Olaf searching for the non-existent "Samantha" is so randomly funny that only Olaf could pull it off.

Watch the trailer below to be reminded of some of Olaf’s greatest moments.