Coco Reo Māori
In Disney•Pixar’s vibrant tale of family, fun and adventure, an aspiring young musician named Miguel (voice of newcomer Anthony Gonzalez) embarks on an extraordinary journey to the magical land of his ancestors. There, the charming trickster Héctor (voice of Gael García Bernal) becomes an unexpected friend who helps Miguel uncover the mysteries behind his family’s stories and traditions.
Reo Māori Version Credits
Te Kōnui/Reo Māori Director: Tweedie Waititi
Ringatohu/Performance Director: Rachel House
Te Kōnui/Music Director: Rob Ruha
Te Kōroa/Music 2nd Director: Pere Wihongi
Whakamāoritanga o te reo/Translators Dialogue: Ngarimu Parata, Selwyn Parata
Te Reo Waiata/Music Translators: Pere Wihongi, Hana Mereraiha, Rob Ruha
Whenua/Nation: Aotearoa New Zealand
Reo/Language: Ngā Reo o te Māori.
Jun 6
Cast announced for the Māori language version of Disney and Pixar’s Oscar®-winning animated feature Coco
June 6, 2023