Artemis Fowl
Disney’s “Artemis Fowl,” based on the beloved book by Eoin Colfer, is a fantastical, spellbinding adventure that follows the journey of 12-year-old genius Artemis Fowl, a descendant of a long line of criminal masterminds, as he desperately tries to save his father who has been kidnapped. In order to pay his ransom, Artemis must infiltrate an ancient, underground civilization--the amazingly advanced world of fairies--and bring the kidnapper the Aculos, the fairies’ most powerful and coveted magical device. To locate the elusive object, cunning Artemis concocts a dangerous plan--so dangerous that he ultimately finds himself in a perilous war of wits with the all-powerful fairies.
Ferdia Shaw, Lara McDonnell, Josh Gad, Tamara Smart, Nonso Anozie, Josh McGuire, Colin Farrell, Judi Dench, Nikesh Patel, Adrian Scarborough, Michael Rouse, Racheal Ofori